The Holy Spirit draws all people toward Jesus Christ and his Church. Whether you already have a relationship with Christ and you are seeking his fullness or you really do not come from a religious background, the Church welcomes all people. The method by which people are welcomed is called OCIA, which stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a time to ask questions. It is a rite or ritual that welcomes all persons who wish to know more about Jesus Christ and His Church. Modeled after how the Early Christians brought people into the faith, OCIA offers those discerning the Catholic faith a season of consecutive courses and liturgies that slowly draw the person into a fuller and deeper understanding of the mysteries of the Christian life.
The Order of Christian Initiation is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion
as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually
during their preparation and at the proper time receive the sacraments fruitfully.
(Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, Pg.2).
This is the official process in which one is unbaptised (Catechumen) or a baptised (Candidate), professes faith to the Catholic Church (Candidate), or for a baptized Catholic to complete their initiation process with the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. The full RCIA journey consists of four periods of discovery, growth and formation called Inquiry or Pre-catechumenate, Catechumenate, Purification and Enlightenment, and finally Mystagogia.
There are also three major rites that involve the entire parish community of St. Joseph’s: The Rite of Acceptance, the Rite of Sending and Election, and the Sacraments of Initiation. This process varies in duration. For Catechumens and some Candidates, this process can be two years. For Candidates and baptized Catholics seeking to complete their initiation, this process maybe one year. The difference in the duration of study depends on a person’s individual faith journey and knowledge in the beliefs and teaching of the Church. The readiness of each person will be determined by the individual with the help of our Pastor and OCIA Director.
Why Is OCIA Described As A Journey?
OCIA cannot be reduced to the mere transference of knowledge. The courses are not academic in the sense that they represent a series of topics that must be studied in order to graduate into Catholicism. OCIA must be primarily a formative process rather than simply an informative one. The stress on formation over information is due the fact OCIA is introducing you to Jesus Christ. Truth cannot be reduced to a concept but is rather a person —the person of Jesus Christ; and, just as it takes time for an individual to be formed in a relationship with a friend or spouse, it takes time to understand the person of Jesus Christ. Moreover, you cannot love that which you do not know. We must come to know Christ, in order to love him. As such, we must allow ourselves to be formed by the teachings of Christ, the knowledge of Christ, in order that our hearts may be able to make a true commitment to Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions regarding the OCIA, please contact
Denise Gorski, Director of Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation